Well the mountain was there yesterday ...
Wet-weather gear from the start
Cloud base practically on the valley floor, and this is barely above sea-level
Just about to lose all sight of anything but the immediate surroundings, and we aren't even 1/4 the way up
About 3/4 the way there, the first patch of snow
The Yeti approaches ... Keep going Naeem, nearly there
At the summit trig-point, abandoned observatory building in the background
Snow-bunting cadging crumbs at the summit
About 1/3rd the way back down and the cloud-base has lifted a lot during the day, even though the weather at the summit was worsening
Half-way back and still smiling, the first of the '3 peaks' challengers with it all left to do
A glimpse of the views we could have had the day before or the day after
Amazing how a good meal and a pint can perk you up
High ground with snow patches visible from sea-level next day